I provide individual counseling to those who want to work on their relationships.It is often helpful to talk with someone outside of your circle of relationships. I emphasize taking personal responsibility for your own part in the relationship, letting go of what you cannot control, and focusing on those areas which you can work on for yourself and the betterment of your relationships.
I do not provide couples counseling services.
Sandy can help you to gain insight into the relationship.
Call her at 480-351-0306 for an appointment.
Click here for more information on relationship counseling.
Individuals in Relationships
Feeling stressed out by in your relationship all by yourself? Do you ever find yourself the only one in the relationship who senses something is wrong or a bit out of sorts? Or are you the only one who sees the proverbial “elephant in the room”? Are you wondering if you can go it alone to improve the relationship? Feeling angry that your partner seems like he/she has little or no interest in improving your relationship? Do you find yourself losing hope when your partner refuses to go get help together? Or has your partner even refused to even talk about what’s bothering you about your relationship? Do you ever wonder if you may be part of the problem? Or wonder if you can even talk about the relationship problems without your spouse or partner?
You may find yourself saying, “It’s hard being the only one motivated to get help!” Many couples end up “between a rock and a hard place” where one or both feel stuck and struggle to make sense of their relationship and try and find hope in getting things to change. However, more often than not, this attempt to get things to change falls onto one of the spouses or partners who is much more motivated to find answers to their relationship problems than the other who may not be ready for whatever reasons. The motivated spouse or partner sometimes battles within themselves to see how they can ever get help to improve the relationship without the support of their partner.
Help IS Around the Corner Sandy is trained in relationship counseling to address your situation in a private, compassionate and supportive way. We have helped many individuals improve the quality of their relationship by listening first of all to their pain, struggles, frustrations, and longings in order to help guide them through the difficulties. Further, we help our clients see how their actions and attitude have affected them and their relationship and helped them learn how to engage positively to promote getting their relationship needs met.
Hope begins Yes, you can improve your relationship on your own! With the assistance of a caring, experienced Pathways counselor you can:
Some Q & A Will it help to work on my relationship alone? This is a question that is often asked when only one is seeking counseling. Many spouses or partners can lose motivation when the other refuses to actively work on their relationship. The motivated one may have questioned if it would help to go to counseling alone. However, what many have found in this situation is that when they actively work on how they are affecting their relationship, their attitude significantly improves which then may directly or indirectly improve the quality of the relationship. One spouse or partner’s effort can go a long way! Although it is generally the practice in counseling to have both present to address couples’ concerns, by assisting the one who is present for counseling often times will empower her/him through her/his own thoughts, feelings, actions and attitude in order to find comfort, courage and strength to take back into the relationship as well as to make significant strides for his or herself.
If I come to counseling alone will my partner eventually join me? This comes up a lot for those who decide to work on their relationship without their spouse or partner. While it may be a hopeful to assume your partner will join you for couples counseling after you have started the process of counseling, what many have found is that when they make the commitment to actively work on their relationship, their spouse or partner will begin to notice positive changes in actions and attitude and discover an interest in participating in the process. Your desire and commitment to your relationship issues often “rubs off” onto the other!
What if my partner’s problems are the reasons for our relationship difficulties? Sometimes it may appear as if one spouse or partner is the only one “responsible” for the conflicts and troubles. However, this is very rarely the case! What most have found is that both spouses/partners contribute to their relationship problems. As hard as it is to recognize now, this even occurs when there has been infidelity in the relationship (especially by the non-committed spouse or partner). Progress can in fact be made even when the unfaithful partner does not participate in counseling.
What happens if I work on myself and make changes, but my spouse does not join in? This concern is common which may prevent someone from working on their relationship alone. What many clients discover is that as she/he changes, the other one does too in one form or another. Often times there is a delicate balance in the relationship so that when one spouse or partner changes how they communicate and approach the other, the other one (even if not in therapy) will take notice and begin to change how they respond.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Sandy at 480-351-0306.
Artile credit: Pathways Counseling Services, by permission. |
Five Signs I’m in an Unhealthy Relationship
Are there times when you feel way out of place in your relationship with your boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse or partner? Do you find yourself upset most of the time with him and not sure why? Do you think she is “playing with” your emotions? Are there times when you feel confused, like being in some sort of time warp or not too forthcoming when other friends ask you about your relationship? Do you get a weird or sick feeling when it comes to loving, respecting or trusting each other? Is there a lack of clear, understandable communication or the communication turns into a fight?
You are not alone when it comes to wondering if you are in an unhealthy relationship with someone. We as counselors have found that people in these situations are pretty sure they are in one and realize they need to get the emotional strength and help to figure out what to do. We are not talking about an occasional fight or rough day or times when someone feels unsatisfied in their relationship. People go through ups and downs in their relationships (get help when needed) and make it through. No, we are talking about those who day after day week after week feel worn down physically, battle disruptive internal emotions, wrestle with thoughts of pain and anguish in terms of their interactions with their perspective partner.
Here are five warning signs or “red flags” that you need to be aware of in order to put things in perspective, consider help, and to become empowered to move in a more healthy direction.
- Fear of breaking up – The fear of breaking up can appear in different forms. You may not want to upset your boyfriend or girlfriend as you feel he or she may become very angry, upset or possibly violent; you may not want to be the “bad guy”; you sense that he/she may do something harmful to themselves if you “broke up”; you feel guilty or ashamed over how he/she may feel about your decision. You may feel that you are the “only one” who truly understands him/her. Each of these fears needs to be considered as warning signs that you may be in a harmful relationship.
- Feel physically sick – You find yourself calling off from work or that you are tired more often than not especially if it is linked to stress in your relationship. It may take you longer to get over a sickness then it use to. You know somehow that your situation has gotten worse over time and your body is just wearing down. Be aware however, that sickness is not necessarily directly linked to an unhealthy relationship so a visit with your healthcare provider would be advised to help determine if there may be something else happening with you.
- Friends and/or family express their concerns – Time and time again you hear from your friends or family that they sense you have changed in a negative way because of how things are going in your relationship. They may something like, “Wow, you sure have changed a lot since you’ve been with “______”; “you just don’t seem like yourself”; “you’re not looking well these days” and other kinds of comments. They express concerns about your health and well-being, how your mood has badly changed, how you look, how you may not be taking care of yourself as you once did or how your partner may be emotionally, mentally and/or physically harsh with you. Certainly friends and family want what’s best for you as they may say but when you hear from a few of them who (may or may not know each other) that they are saying pretty much the same thing then take notice!
- Feel trapped – You may feel like you have no other place to go or you may feel like your partner will have no place to go and you don’t want to be the one who initiates this break up. You may have a lot of bills, or you have children involved and you don’t want to be left “out in the cold” without any other place to go. Many times when you think about leaving you feel very stressed out and options of what you could do fade away as if the only option is to stay in the relationship. You are isolated from others for various reasons; you feel you are in a power struggle or being controlled by your partner; you may feel like you have to get “approval” for simple tasks or you think about how your partner may act when you give your input in decisions and you may remain silent or minimize what you offer. You may feel closed in like you are being monitored or questioned about most of or nearly all of your activities which may even include activities you do together especially if you are around others. You may even blame yourself for the heartaches that you, he/she or both of you are going through.
- You lost yourself – There may be times you wonder who you are anymore. You use to have goals that you strove for, you were optimistic about the future and you set yourself out to achieve your goals. You had direction in your life. You use to take care of yourself with a good healthy diet, nutrition and quality exercise but now you find these things lacking. You have found that you have sacrificed your values or morals in order “to be” with him/her. You sense that your positive traits have been quelled or rejected in your relationship. Your self-esteem has all but disappeared and you may even find yourself “walking on egg shells” when around your partner. Further, you may have started doing or increased in doing things that are harmful to yourself (such as a “junk food” diet, lack of exercise, smoking, drinking, or drugging) of which you both may be doing.
Out of these five signs, seek to get clarity and make the time to sort them out. Getting together with an objective third party who is not biased may be very beneficial to sort out things you may not see or want to see. You may want to connect with one of our counselors who is objective, a good listener, helpful in problem-solving, and who may be able to help you through these difficult times.
Article credit: Pathways
Counseling Services, by permission.
3 Small Habits To Strengthen Your Marriage
Click here to read this article.
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Seating is at least 6 feet apart.
Masks are NOT required at this time.
After School Appointments Available 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. These slots fill up quickly.
Sandy Green
Licensed Professinal Counselor
34974 N. Laredo Dr.
San Tan Valley, AZ 85142
Phone: 480-351-0306
Serving the southeast valley of Phoenix Arizona, including San Tan Valley, Queen Creek, Gilbert, Apache Junction, Mesa, Higley, and Florence.
Also providing reduced rates to missionaries who can be seen in San Tan Valley (near the Phoenix area).